
This team is responsible for facilitating a capacity for assessment and developing a culture of evidence across SEES.

This team coordinates communication support for all 办公室s in the division. The team assists with supporting all forms of division 办公室 communications-related tasks, 项目, and initiatives in coordination with other team members. This team also participates in semester retreats to develop and coordinate initiatives and participate in professional development activities.

This team is a group designed to think strategically about what is needed to create a culture of care across the university (e.g., organizational structure, support, etc.).

This team identifies strategies in areas of technology, 流程再造, 培训和认可, communication/coordination/support, and safety to prioritize and enhance customer service.

This team develops and implements an effective and measurable diversity strategic plan for the SEES Division. Guided by the SEES 多样性 and 包容 Statement, this team strives to increase SEES cultural knowledge and capacity to cultivate and sustain a university climate and culture that fosters learning whereby all Monarchs feel valued, 有归属感吗, 订婚了, and [culturally] interconnected across the campus community.

这个团队讨论日期, 最后期限, and ad-hoc communications that are needed prior to the start of a new semester as it relates to 入学s, 金融援助, 预览, 住房, 和金融.

这个团队讨论日期, 最后期限, and ad-hoc communications that are needed prior to the start of a new semester as it relates to 入学s, 金融援助, 预览, 住房, 和金融.

This team develops a communication plan made up of communication deliverables from across the division to on-boarding first year students. This plan is prepared in advance, then refined and augmented on an ongoing basis.

This team identities food insecurity concerns and trends, develop initiatives to connect students with food opportunities and create awareness of established resources both on-campus and in the community to 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.

This team effectively trains and engages student leaders, 教师, 和工作人员 in the Green Dot bystander intervention program. The committee aims to host two major events, four student bystander 培训 sessions, and two 教师/工作人员 sessions per year. This does not include 15-minute overviews scheduled by individual 办公室s and university committees. Most of the members of the committee have been trained to facilitate the 6-hour student bystander 培训 and have attended/completed the 4-day Green Dot Train the Trainer Training.

This team coordinates various campus entities to host a week of welcome programming.

This team is for responsible for the planning and implementation for Move In logistics, 人员配备, 培训, and materials to welcome ODU's residential community.

This team provides opportunities for out-of-state students to connect with each other and to become more 订婚了 on campus. This team also works with Academic Affairs to do outreach to freshmen who are on academic warning after their first semester.

This team reviews events submitted in MonarchLink to look for overlap, encourages folks to put events into MonarchLink, and collects/shares important SEES dates where VIPs are needed. This team also decides how SEES assessment measures "engagement" and what programs count toward SEES' 15 programs per year for advanced scheduling.

This team advertises the SEES award nomination process, 奖励的决定, announces winners and provides recognition opportunities throughout the division beyond the annual awards.

This team evaluates the current onboarding and welcoming of new students and develops new plans centered on student success for implementation.

This team integrates resilience concepts into student programming with the outcome of increasing the resilience and success of ODU students.

This team provides sexual assault/relationship violence resources, 支持服务, 以及对ODU学生的教育, 教师, 和工作人员.

This team translates and articulates what students learn from their co-curricular involvement and work experiences into identifiable skills for their chosen career path.